Category Archives: treatment options

It Ain’t What You Don’t Know That Gets You into Trouble. It’s What You Know for Sure That Just Ain’t So”[i]

Many times what was thought to be true in the past turns out not to be. Keeping an open mind and thoroughly (critically or skeptically) evaluating new information is important as we grow in our ability to practice the best medicine possible. Continue reading

Posted in CV, General Interest, Guidelines, Health Information, Literature, Policy, Statistics and Decision Making, treatment options | 1 Comment

Does Insurance oversight of clinical practice improve either quality of care, or patient outcomes?

When outside oversight, based solely on published guidelines, interferes with clinical care there are potentially multiple adverse outcomes, including physician and patient frustration, waste of time and interference with delivery of optimal care. There should be ways for insurers to use their databases to mitigate inefficient and intrusive oversight. Continue reading

Posted in effectiveness/efficacy, General Interest, Guidelines, Quality, Quality in Medicine, treatment options | 2 Comments

Diagnosis may be the Achilles Heel of Incentive Based Payment.

“Diagnosis is the mental act of selecting the one explanation most compatible with all the facts of clinical observation”.  – Raymond Adams in Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine – 4th edition In almost all instances, Government and other third party … Continue reading

Posted in General Interest, Policy, Quality, treatment options